Channel: Chief MAKOi
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: chief engineermerchant marinechief makoinavigatorshipsuez canal traffic jamcaptainsuez canal blockedsuez canal how much money lostmega shipseamansailormaster marinersuez canal crisisever given ship stuckmarine engineerseafarermaritimemerchant navysuez canal
Description: #suezcanal #suez #evergiven We interrupt our regular programming for this special episode. Since the grounding of the EVER GIVEN at SUEZ CANAL, a lot of you have been asking for my take on the incident. I can't go into specifics because I don't have all the details. In any case, I researched as best as I can and came up with this. I hope you guys find this interesting. Chief MAKOi Seaman Vlog S03E20 Special thanks to the following for the materials I used in this video: Fleetmon Suez Canal Authority Maxar Technologies